5 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips!

With Spring coming to an end and Summer quickly approaching, the time to finish your Spring Cleaning is running out. Though it seems daunting, if you follow these easy tips, you’ll find yourself enjoying your freshly cleaned home in no time!

Clean Room By Room

Sectioning your home into easy-to-manage sections will help you stay organized as you work your way through your home. Create a to-do list for each room that focusses on what jobs were neglected over the winter. Managing a series of small jobs will make the entire experience less daunting!

Clear Your Clutter

Spring Cleaning is the perfect excuse to finally ditch the items you no longer use that are cluttering your home. It’s important to purge your space from time-to-time to keep your home feeling fresh, clean, and stress-free!

Don’t Get Overwhelmed

Set aside an entire day (or an entire weekend) for cleaning so you don’t feel rushed to complete your tasks. Make sure you finish each job completely before moving on so you don’t end up with a house full of half-finished jobs!

Get Your Whole Household Involved

Don’t take on your Spring Cleaning alone! Make it a family event and split the work to help speed up the process. Even small children can help tidy toys or make beds while older children can clean windows, sweep floors, or organize their rooms.

Reward yourself

After a hard day’s work, do something that makes you happy or helps you relax: take a hot bath, curl up and watch your favourite movie, or eat a delicious meal. Whatever you decide, you can enjoy the comfort of a freshly cleaned home – after all, you deserve it!